When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Canberra Sun

The sun always shines in Canberra. At least it does for me. After completing a day's work at the Australian Federal Police, I have the time in hand for a stroll along the lakefront to cross the bridge leading to downtown and take a short diversion into the flower exhibition known as Floriade. The exhibition is only on for a month or so of the year and it will be ending in a few days.

And just as it was on my first visit to Canberra a week ago, the weather seems to be crafted in God's lighting studio to highlight every detail of creation. The sky looks like a 50 million pixel Mac desktop tinted a monochromatic shade of blue in every direction with shades near the horizon. And there is a steady cool breeze that whips around everything playfully. I walk along the water in my business attire with laptop bag in tote, a bit of a contrast to the joggers and cyclists that periodically pass by. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the fortune of experiencing all this, I have not known my attention so captivated by my surroundings in a long time. I walk as if in a daze, my step is light, my body feels bouyant, this is such a good dream.

A man tosses a football back and forth with his son. A pair of rowers scud by on the water.

Eventually I reach the flower show, there is only 20 minutes before closing but it is all I need. I stop to buy some white tea at one of the vendor booths. And then I head on downtown. There is time to sit down at a roadside cafe, there is no sense of hurry and no crowd. I have not experienced a city like this before.

I snap some pictures with my phone and post them online. I want everyone to see the splendour of this world.

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