When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Que Es Verdad?

What if...

All our suffering were based on lies. Lies that began in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago. Lies that were told by the Prince of Lies living in the Tree of Knowledge. For on that day, we learned to judge ourselves and in doing so, we separated ourselves from God. We lost sight of the goodness, and began to believe in lies that began to live us as robots for in believing the lies we were too afraid to live authentically as the rest of Nature, we put on our images and were ashamed of our nakedness. Lies that perpetuate themselves through millenia, passed on from generation to generation breeding conflict. But the conflict is not between Good and Evil as we have been told to believe, but rather between Truth and what is not Truth. And what is not Truth? Almost every one of the thousands of thoughts that we unconcsiously create in our minds every day and reinforce as our personal truth by the filters of our perceptions, the ones that lead us to feel anxiety, depression, anger, jealousy, shame, guilt... unceasingly. When the mind is peaceful, when the thinking stops, we experience the Truth,... we are no longer blinded in that moment.

What did Jesus mean by "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you"? Why did he say "The Truth shall set you Free?"...

We are born in Truth, we only know of it as an infant. When we die, we return to it. In between is the 'Dream of Society', the Voice of Knowledge that rooted itself in us sprouting like a tree in the Garden of Eden. The source of ALL human conflict.

I have realized that we can return to experience Truth. There are 'doorways' whereby the veil woven thick by the incessant stream of unconscious thinking is moved aside, certain music creates this for me. I recognize that my very first posting on The Bright Path alluded to this, but I didn't know the term to connect it with. Somehow a bigger Self could breathe in those moments, but they were as they are still for me... fleeting. Since that first post I have grown in awareness and thus lessons of life were recognized - insults became insights. And I am grateful for the stewardship of 'Masters' through their books through which I now have labels now to attach as pointers to that which words failed me.

But I have also recognized over the months of more or less concerted quest, that we can move our point of reference 'closer' to Truth. In have experience of two, we can choose the tradition of the ancient Toltecs... to simply not believe (see The Complete Idiots Guide to Toltec Wisdom). Simply refuse to believe every bit of suffering, what is the underlying belief that is leading to my suffering, it is called 'Stalking the Mind'. Once I recognize the thought and maybe even the point in time that this belief was born, I can then choose to disbelieve it. What happens with continual rejection is that the mind gradually is tamed, it no longer runs you like a wild horse, instead you are now holding the reins. As it shuts up more, like a child whose tantrum is being ignored, there are fewer thoughts, greater periods of silent lucidity.

Another way,... is to replace the downward thought with an uplifting i.e. Truthful thought. If you find it hard to disbelieve the lies, then why not replace the thoughts with an Upward thought. And this refers to Ascension. In this tradition, you Ascend with eyes closed, and think the Upward thoughts, there are only a handful of them and they resonate within to dissolve the stress lodged in us born of the lies we accumulate of ourselves and others over the years. They resonate this way to free us because these select thoughts ARE statements of Truth. This is done both with eyes closed and your eyes open during the normal waking activites of the day.

Another way,... is through isolation and rigorous discipline such as that practiced by many monastic traditions over the years. And there are mantras for this, and other techniques to quieten the thoughts. I have no experience of this and cannot comment on it. The rigorous path of the Yogi is also deemed another way of increasing awareness; and though I practice yoga regularly I do not study it in depth since such teachers are scarce here.

As the Truth of our nature emerges as reality born of experience, and this Truth can only ever be known through experience not passed on as thoughts or known through reading about it and forming beliefs, hence the need for parables to describe it by a certain famous Master 2000 years ago... then we discover that we have always been so much more than we hold ourselves to be, that enormous potential lies untapped yet waiting to be accessed by the new awareness. The Toltecs used the term 'Mastery of Intent' as the process to use this abundance that resides in us and perform miracles,... well, what WE would consider miracles today. Until this is experienced without intervention of the mind, it remains a distant theory and idealistic construct.

In the emerging frontiers of science Consciousness is now being given recognition it has long deserved for its role in the creative process of our physical reality. There are experiments that have been done with astounding results (see The Intention Experiment). It behooves us then to make a dedicated effort to journey inward and clean up the junk i.e. the self-defeating, disempowering hidden beliefs that undermine who we truly are and keep us enslaved and easily influenced. This is a task on my path, I have asked to learn and life has taught me in return. There is so much more to discover.

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