When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

the Bright Path

Ok here it is folks, my first REAL blog post.

I called this blog the Bright Path because it is meant to document my journey along the path that leads to... ? It is hard to put this into words, I could say dreams but dreams have a visual image don't they? A sort of mental reference picture that we then spend effort and time bending reality into conformity with OR as most people do, place in a box and bury away, replaced by a safer mode of living that has grown comfortable and familiar. I've thought about where the Bright Path leads and I think words don't describe it for me, perhaps I am not articulate enough. If I were to describe it with feelings, it would be that 'place' that I find myself when I am listening intently to one of my favorite songs. Do you ever become transported to a place by certain music and you can't help but wonder if we were really meant to be living that life instead of this one?

This blog is my journal of my quest for that place in each of us.


Me said...

So excited for you as you embark on your quest. I'll be along for the journey (albeit, vicariously) through this glob.

Thank you for sharing! And hope you can figure out how to post pictures before the end of the year.


Anonymous said...

good luck aaron. may you find the light!

and i hope to see you soon in kl!


Ymous Anon said...

"Do you ever become transported to a place by certain music and you can't help but wonder if we were really meant to be living that life instead of this one?"

Yes. Very often do.