When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Monday, September 8, 2008

Looking beyond

The other day I tried to see the energy field around us known as our aura.  I have read that this is part of our mind, our minds extend beyond our bodies.  Two of my friends that can perceive auras have tried to help me see them though unsuccessfully.  But I have discovered a heightened tactile sensitivity to energies since I learned Reiki.  The other day after I performed Reiki on her, my friend and I experimented with this field of energy.  I found when she closed the distance between my skin and her hand that I was actually able to sense from a good foot away a tingling sensation on the area beneath her hand.  Tantalizing extrasensory experiences such as these impel me to continue along my personal journey of inquiry into the meta-physical realm.

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