When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Divine Matrix entanglement or coincidence?

When I was working in Malaysia I went out for lunch twice with a co-worker. We would go to a Balinese restaurant and talk about traveling and about how we were both going to quit the company soon for adventure and to shake up our lives. She had her own plans and I had mine. Hers were along the lines of traveling to Europe or some 3rd world country to do volunteer work and I spoke of a new life in Sydney at some point. She left the company a couple of months before me in late January and the last we had communicated was late Dec. We had only met on those two lunch occasions.

A few days ago Tom mentioned that our friend S had a friend of a friend from Malaysia who was in the Los Angeles area for 2 weeks to do a bar tending course. The description was of someone who had been living in Washington for awhile, had graduated from Yale and now was passing through LA and perhaps Tom could put her up for awhile. He told S he couldn't since I was already staying with him. Tom showed me the name of the person on his Blackberry, I was a little stunned that it was the same name as my aforementioned co-worker - she had an unusual name.

Tom arranged for the 3 of us to meet anyways for dinner in Long Beach. I asked my friend IM and his girl friend to join us too, it would be nice for IM and Tom to meet too. As Tom and I pulled into the hotel reception driveway, I looked over at him and said "how weird would it be if it were actually my ex-coworker?". I stepped out of the car and my jaw dropped, it WAS her and she looked even more shocked than I did.

Is this a random coincidence? The timing location and chain of people that allowed this to happen spontaneously... can we dismiss this to mere coincidence or are we forced instead to acknowledge an underlying intelligence or guiding force such as the workings of the Divine Matrix described by Gregg Braden. The particular feature of the Divine Matrix to which I allude to is the quantum physics phenomenon known as non-local entanglement, it can be read here.

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