When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Days go by

4 days to go until I leave for New Zealand. My parents are supposed to be here now to spend a bit of time with me before I go but my father hurt his back and so my parents remain in Shenzhen, China. My mother's warning that my father's health would suffer if he didn't cut back on work and get more rest has come true.

I haven't packed yet, there isn't much to put together but I've compiled a list of things. Tomorrow I shall pack. I will not bring everything this trip, I will move my possessions only once I have secured the right job in NZ. The plan is to get to Sydney on April 1st, spend one night there then fly straight to Queenstown, New Zealand the next morning. I will bring one large rolling duffel, one 80L backpack and a carry on duffel. I will meet Mervin there and we shall stay with our mutual friend J. She is eagerly awaiting us.

I've been saying goodbye to my friends here and there doesn't seem to be enough time to bid everyone a proper farewell. I do not have as heavy a heart as I did when I left California. Perhaps because I know that I am never far from Malaysia.

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