When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Friday, September 10, 2010

A new TaiChi instructor

I have just returned from a session with a new TaiChi instructor named Horacio. Horacio is the 5th person I have engaged to learn TaiChi from. He is about 65 and from Argentina, a very gentle and kind soul but I perceive in him an iron core that keeps him grounded. I loved him immediately after I met him a couple of weeks ago at the Theosophical society in Sydney. After my first lesson we sat around some coffee in the cafe downstairs along with Ernie, a steady student of his whose mannerisms remind me of Nicolas Cage. I asked him about how TaiChi has enriched his life and part of his response drew me back to my previous posting. He mentioned the root of all things as a word of which I cannot recall... but it made me think of the phrase from the bible that I had used as my subject header previously. Then he mentioned how there are many paths that point to this ‘root’, in Taoism it would be called the Tao... in Christianity the Greek word is Logos. “You can walk many paths and experiment, ultimately they all lead to the root”, he said.

What does TaiChi bring into his life? Space is his answer. Or more precisely the awareness of space within which he can create and choose his responses. This ability has much to do with our level of freedom.

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