When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Still in the Eating Stage

I am on the 8th bead of the book. The author uses beads because she has divided the book into 108 chapters as an imitation of the prayer beads of the monks in India she observes. At this point, I have already grown quite an affection for the protagonist. Early in the book a belief I had that women desire nothing more than to have babies was overturned. I am prompted to recall a similar episode in my life almost 8 years ago; the time I broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years in Vancouver, I still see vividly her tearful pleading with me not to end the relationship. I remember this day because I felt like a criminal, and the futile reason I offered her was one I could not truly comprehend. "I need to go and see the world... meet other people...", I didn't expect her to understand it because I didn't either. And sure enough, shortly after the breakup with her I was laid off from my job in Vancouver and the southerly winds took hold of me.

On the 9th bead the author comments about the Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi advising his students to write down the 3 things they want most out of life. To paraphrase her, "if any item on the list clashes with any other item,... you are destined for unhappiness". Similarly, in ancient Greece, the Oracle at Delphi had two maxims posted above the entrance to her chamber, for the edification of those who sought her prophecy: "Know thyself" was one of them. If the wise ones tell us to know ourselves clearly then certainly it pays to do so.

It is 5 months ago, and my friend hands me a deck of cards with instructions to peruse the thick deck and choose 21 that are dearest to me. On each card is written a single word representing an aspect of life to be valued to some degree such as "travel", "humor" or "family". Some of the cards are left out with a twinge of regret while others are obvious. I hand the 21 to her only to have her return it, "now choose 7", she says. This time I take a bit more time with each card but eventually I am left with 7 that resemble a complete happy life. "Now take 4 out...", this time I am loathe to leave a couple out. After some changes of heart and careful deliberation, I settle with these 3 -

"Freedom", "Health" and "Passion".

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