When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Doing a Not-Doing

I've been reading a book called The Complete Idiots Guide to Toltec Wisdom.  It describes the ancient Toltec path to personal freedom which equates to liberation from our domestication and programming to realize our full potential as human beings.  In one part of the book it talks about us changing our actions to realize different outcomes.  Doing so helps us break down our limiting beliefs about ourselves and the way our impression of the world is, once we do this then we can observe a bigger reality and with greater awareness come even more choices and possibilities for ourselves.  

One simple tactic to apply is to do a not-doing, in other words, break out of the routine no matter how trivial it may seem.  I was mulling over this the other day as walked into the office at work returning from the restroom.  As I entered the door, I turned left to walk to my desk as I always do since it is a slightly shorter walk. This time I caught myself and said "I'll just go right this time to start practising what I read".  It was only a 6 second walk either way really, I never imagined anything different could happen.  As I walked by a coworker's desk she smiled at me and I stopped to say hi.  The outcome of the brief chat was that I got a ride home from her that day instead of having to track down a taxi which is the most frustrating thing about working where I do without a car of my own.  

Turn left instead of right and allow abundance into your life.  

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