When I go out to meet the light, the shadow of my body follows me, but the shadow of my spirit precedes me and leads the way to an unknown place
- Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baby steps towards abundance

Yesterday I was at work and I took notice of a T-Shirt that my female coworker had on.  This girl has tremendous charisma at work, people love her company and quick wit.  I find myself drawn to her often simply because of her type of energy and I like how she keeps me humble with her sharp tongue.  In the past I'd sometimes felt cut down by some of her remarks and there were times when I'd wondered if she really meant her words; but after one incident whereby she'd turned around after a particularly cutting episode and sat down to reassure me, I've not doubted our mutual admiration for each other since.   

On that day her T-shirt was emblazoned with the words "I am not paid enough to be nice to you".  As I walked by her desk I pulled out a $10 bill and handed it to her with a smile.  "How much time of niceness will this get me?"  Though momentarily caught off-guard she quickly replied, "well, that's it really...", and she held her hand out for more.  I was hardly surprised and responded with "ooo, that's expensive let me save up some more" and walked back to my desk without the money.  I considered getting the money back but decided it was worth the amusement and I knew that it would leave a lasting impact if I didn't request for it back.  She did try once after to return it to me but I declined.  Plus taking the money back would be a fearful move and I didn't want to foster a scarcity mentality about money.  

Towards the end of the day I had just ended a call with a taxi dispatcher to arrange for a pickup to go home.  I saw a different coworker walk by at that moment, it was someone that had almost shared a taxi with me once.  I asked her in passing if she had a ride home and she said no, her husband was not picking her up today and she would be glad to share a cab with me to Midvalley.  And so we did, as we arrived at Midvalley the fare was precisely $20 and she pulled out a $10 to hand to me.  I was thrilled to see the $10 come back to me so quickly.  I insisted she hold onto it, it felt good to practice abundance yet again.   

1 comment:

Ymous Anon said...

Isn't that a symbolic display of karma albeit in the same life.